Allergist and Immunologist
Allergy & Asthma Centre of Dayton
2012 – presentAllergy/Immunology Fellowship
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Sept 2009 – 2011Categorical Pediatric Residency
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Jun 2006 – Sept 2009
Master of Science, Clinical and Translational Research
June 2012
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OhioDoctor of Medicine
May 2006
Washington University School of Medicine
Saint Louis, MissouriBachelor of Science, Biology
May 2002
Washington University
Saint Louis, Missouri
American Board of Allergy and Immunology
American Board of Pediatrics
Dec 2009
Adjunct Clinical Instructor of Pediatrics
Clinical Instructor of Pediatrics
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Feb 2013-present
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Oct 2011-Feb 2013Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
April 2010-Feb 2013
American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
Adverse Food Reactions Committee (ACAAI) Member 2009- 2012
Food Allergy Project
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
August 2007-Sept 2009
- Collaborated with Allergy/Immunology Program Director, Dr. Amal Assa’ad, and co-fellow, Dr. Kelly Metz on investigating cosensitization to egg and peanut and its predictive value on passing an oral food challenge to egg.
Single-Parenthood as an Independent Risk Factor for Repeat Healthcare Utilization in Children with Asthma
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Sept 2010-present
- Retrospective review of a prospective cohort evaluating the association between having a single caregiver and repeat asthma-related admission and emergency room visits. This study will attempt to explain measured differences by determining the financial, psychological, mobility and time strains single-parenthood places on families. Cohort was initially recruited by Dr. Jeffrey Simmons.
Routine complexity and Asthma Morbidity
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
February 2010-present
- Prospective cohort study on the degree to which chaotic home environments with complex routines affect likelihood of repeat asthma-related readmission within one year of an index admission. This study will also investigate the role race plays in these variables and outcomes. Principal Investigator is Dr. Robert Kahn.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
March 2010
- “DiGeorge Syndrome: An Immunologist’s Perspective”. Presented at the 4th Annual Thomas F. Boat Lectures, a case of an infant with DiGeorge Syndrome with opportunistic infection and significant morbidity following delayed immunologic phenotyping.
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Phoenix, AZ
November 2010
- Purified C1 Inhibitor as Pre-operative Prophylaxis in a Pediatric Patient with Hereditary Angioedema. Presented at the 2009 National Scientific Meeting.
Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine
Kansas City, MO
July 2011
- “Prevalence of Cockroach and Mouse Sensitization among Children Hospitalized for Wheezing and Asthma”. To be presented at the 2011 Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine Conference.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
May 2008
- “The Effect of Multiple Food Co-sensitizations on the Likelihood of Passing an Oral Food Challenge to Egg” presented at 2nd Annual Pratt Lectures.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
March 2010
- “Asthma and the African-American Patient: Finding a Niche” presented at Allergy/Immunology Conference.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
June 2010
- “Ocular Allergy” presented at Immunology Grand Rounds.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
September 2010
- “Routine Complexity, Readmission and Race in Asthmatic Patients” presented at Allergy/Immunology Conference.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
December 2010
- “Omalizumab: Evidence for use in Allergic Skin Disease” presented at Immunology Grand Rounds.
Odyssey Program Participant
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Philadelphia, PA
March 2008
- Program designed to introduce the specialty of Allergy and Immunology to prospective residents from underrepresented minority groups. Award includes invitation to the AAAAI annual meeting, experience as a fellow-in-training, and pairing with a mentor in the field of Allergy/Immunology.
Clinical Fellowship Stipends in Allergy and Immunology
American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
July 2008
- Grant provides salary support of ($50,000 per year for two years) for fellowship training. PI- Amal Assa’ad, MD, fellowship director.
NIH/NMA Travel Award Recipient
National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Session
Orlando, FL
July 2010
- Program designed to Award Fellows-in-Training who show promise as future leaders in academic medicine. updated July 2011.
- Moncrief T, Kahn R, Assa’ad A. Mouse Sensitization as an Independent Risk Factor for Asthma Morbidity. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012 Mar;108(3):135-40
- Beck A, Moncrief T, Huang B, Simmons J, Sauers H, Chen C, Kahn R. Substantial inequalities in neighborhood child asthma admission rates and underlying community characteristics in one U.S. county. J Pediatr. 2013
- Moncrief T, Beck A, Simmons J, Huang B, Kahn, R. Single Parenthood, Psychosocial Stressors, and Child Asthma Morbidity. (under peer review)
- Moncrief T, Beck A, Antony K, Huang B, Kahn R, Routinely Sleeping Away from Home and the Association with Asthma Readmission (under peer review)
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
March 2010
- “DiGeorge Syndrome: An Immunologist’s Perspective”. Poster presentation at the 4th Annual Thomas F. Boat Lectures, a case of an infant with DiGeorge Syndrome with opportunistic infection and significant morbidity following delayed immunologic phenotyping.
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Phoenix, AZ
Nov 2010
- Purified C1 Inhibitor as Pre-operative Prophylaxis in a Pediatric Patient with Hereditary Angioedema. Poster presentation at the 2009 National Scientific Meeting.
Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine
Kansas City, MO
July 2011
- “Prevalence of Cockroach and Mouse Sensitization among Children Hospitalized for Wheezing and Asthma”. Poster presentation at the 2011 Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine Conference.
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Boston, MA
Nov 2011
- “Single-parenthood: Possible Mechanisms of Increased Pediatric Asthma-Related Morbidity. Accepted for poster presentation at the 2011 ACAAI National Scientific Meeting.
World Allergy Congress
Cancun, Mexico
Dec 2011
- “Prevalence of Cockroach And Mouse Sensitization Among Children Hospitalized For Wheezing and Asthma. Accepted for oral abstract presentation at the 2011 WAC International Scientific Meeting.
Pediatric Academic Societies
Boston, MA
April 2012
- “Effect of a ‘Home Away from Home’ on Children’s Adherence to Asthma Medicine. Accepted for platform presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Society Scientific Meeting.
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